Bootstrapping Cloud

Account grouping and deployment of a Landing Zone using AWS best practices.

This service creates a solid, governable and secure foundation for the deployment of workloads on AWS, ensuring that the infrastructure is well organised and ready to scale.

01    |    Pooling and organising multiple AWS accounts

02    |    Federated authentication and authorisation of users on accounts and services

03    |    Deploying a Landing Zone with architecture recommended by AWS

04    |    Implementation of guardrails, safety checks and enforcement

05    |    Basic network configuration and multi-account environments (different flavours)

06    |    Deployment automation and ongoing management


Deploying a Landing Zone enables enterprises to establish a robust and secure cloud infrastructure from the outset, facilitating AWS adoption and fostering innovation.

The well-defined and automated base structure ensures that the company can scale its cloud operations efficiently and smoothly.


A well-designed Landing Zone improves operations by providing an organised and secure foundation for all workloads on AWS.

The good practices implemented ensure that the infrastructure meets security and compliance standards, minimising risks and optimising management.


Bundling accounts and deploying a Landing Zone optimises resources and reduces operational costs by ensuring that the infrastructure is well managed and secure from the outset.

This allows companies to focus on growth and innovation, maximising return on investment by avoiding configuration and security issues.

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Don’t wait any longer. Take control of your cloud infrastructure today and embark on a journey to operational efficiency. Let us guide you in optimising your cloud governance.

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