Scaffolding HPC

Preparing High Performance Computing (HPC) environments on AWS with an additional cost-saving system.

This service provides a scalable and efficient infrastructure for HPC applications, optimising both performance and operational costs.

01    |    Implementation of High Performance Computing (HPC) environments

02    |    Optimised configuration to maximise performance and efficiency

03    |    Integration of additional cost saving strategies

04    |    Automatic scalability according to demand

05    |    Specific for resource-demanding environments (clusters, parallel computing, …)


Deploying HPC environments on AWS enables enterprises to take advantage of the cloud’s elastic and scalable compute capacity, providing superior performance for highly demanding applications.

Cost-saving strategies, such as the use of Spot Instances, ensure that solutions are both efficient and cost-effective.


Preparing HPC environments on AWS improves operations by providing a robust and scalable infrastructure that can quickly adapt to changing needs.

Automation and efficient resource management ensure high performance and continuous availability.


Adopting HPC solutions on AWS optimises operational costs through the use of elastic resources and cost-saving strategies such as Spot Instances.

This enables enterprises to run high-demand workloads cost-effectively, maximising return on investment and improving competitiveness in compute-intensive projects.

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