Cloud Storage

Deployment of AWS cloud storage solutions with support for multiple protocols (FTP Serverless, SMB, NFS) and optimised to meet specific latency and throughput requirements.

This service provides a flexible and scalable storage infrastructure that adapts to business needs.

01    |    Deploying cloud storage solutions for multiple protocols

02    |    Storage optimisation for latency and throughput requirements

03    |    Secure access settings and permissions management

04    |    Integration with other AWS services for added functionality


Using AWS cloud storage solutions enables businesses to manage data efficiently and securely, adapting to different protocols and performance requirements.

The ability to integrate multiple services and optimise latency ensures that data is always accessible and protected.


Deploying cloud storage solutions improves operations by providing a robust and flexible infrastructure that can quickly adapt to changing needs.

Secure configuration and efficient permissions management ensure controlled and secure access to data.


Adopting cloud storage solutions optimises operational costs by using a scalable, pay-as-you-go infrastructure.

This allows companies to adjust resources according to demand and maximise return on investment, ensuring that data is always available and protected.

Unleash the power of your data for everyone!

No more information silos. Start democratising your data today and unlock valuable insights for your entire organisation. Let us guide you towards a data-driven culture.

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