Revolutionise your customer service with bespoke AI

Transform your Customer Service
with a Personalised AI Chatbot

Discover how evereven can help you create an intelligent, personalised chatbot that reflects the essence of your business. Follow the journey of an organisation that took its customer service to a new level with the help of generative AI.

Revolutionise your customer service with bespoke AI

We want to improve our customer service with a chatbot, but generic ones don’t capture our voice or handle our specific queries. We need something unique that truly represents our company.

Generative AI Discovery Workshop

We organise an interactive workshop to explore the possibilities of generative AI in your business. We identify specific use cases, unique requirements and opportunities for integrating AI into your customer service.

Visualising the potential of AI in our company

The workshop opened our eyes to the incredible possibilities of AI. We now see how a personalised chatbot could not only improve our customer service, but also optimise our internal processes.

CRM Extension with AI

We integrate AI capabilities into your existing CRM system, enabling a deeper understanding of customer interactions and providing valuable insights to further personalise your chatbot.

Our CRM is now smarter than ever

The extension of AI has transformed our CRM. We now have a 360° view of our customers and can anticipate their needs. We are excited to see how this translates into our chatbot.

Custom Chatbot Development with Amazon Bedrock

Using Amazon Bedrock, we developed a highly customised chatbot that incorporates your company’s unique tone, knowledge and processes. The result is a virtual assistant that truly represents your brand and provides exceptional service.

Ready to take your customer service to the next level with AI?

Don’t settle for a generic chatbot. Let us help you create an AI-powered virtual assistant that not only understands your business, but also elevates your customers’ experience to a new level.

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