Microsoft COTS deployment

Deployment of Microsoft Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) applications on AWS, including SharePoint, SQL Server, IIS, and more.

This service ensures optimised and secure deployment of critical Microsoft applications on AWS cloud infrastructure, improving scalability and performance.

01    |    Implementación de SharePoint, SQL Server, IIS y otras aplicaciones de Microsoft en AWS

02    |    Configuration and optimisation of applications for the cloud environment

03    |    Integration with native AWS services for added functionality

04    |    Ongoing support and maintenance of infrastructure and applications

05    |    Migration and modernisation of existing applications to AWS


Deploying Microsoft COTS applications on AWS enables enterprises to take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of the cloud, improving performance and reducing operational costs.

Integration with advanced AWS services provides a robust and efficient infrastructure for critical applications.


Deploying Microsoft business applications on AWS improves operations by ensuring optimised configuration and efficient resource management.

Continuous monitoring and proactive support ensure high application performance and availability.


Adopting Microsoft COTS solutions on AWS optimises operational costs by eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure and leveraging the scalability of the cloud.

Companies can adjust resources according to demand, maximising return on investment and improving operational efficiency.

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